IRL Working Groups are defining activities
The 3 working groups dedicated to developing activities for each block of the IRL scale are currently having brainstorm meetings to co-design new educative formats.

Workshops and Events on Entrepreneurship
Here below you find a series of workshops and seminars on entrepreneurship that you can attend remotely in the Engage.EU Universities.
University | Date | Time | Title of the Wokshop/Course | Content Description | Access link or information page link |
Luiss | 14/02/2023 | 16:30 | Scenario Analysis part 1 | The aim is to make students understand how the climate action scenario has profoundly changed after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine highlighting the new opportunities that can be seized by economic actors. For this reason, the first lesson is focused on highlighting the decarbonizing policies and trajectories before the crisis and how they have deeply changed since then. The second lesson, instead, will focus on case studies that underline the beneficial effects of clean technologies from an environmental, social and economic point of view on market actors. This will be done using an analytical and quantitative approach. | https://luiss.webex.com/luiss-en/j.php?MTID=mc35eb13f57a7e9dd31bcd84a4cd92712 |
Luiss | 07/03/2023 | 16:30 | Scenario Analysis part 2 | ||
Luiss | 21/02/2023 | 16:30 | Technology Transfer part 1 | How can students in academic spin-offs contribute to bridge the distance between technology and market? How can they contribute to the early stage of a technology transfer process (before invention disclosure)? The lessons will build on the development of skills and procedures which are intrinsic part of the technological innovation process’s complex value chain, linking research to its societal deployment and playing a key role in our economic ecosystem. From the discovery of novel technologies, through the involvement of non-technological stakeholders, the protection of intellectual property and finally to the marketing, licensing and product development, these lessons will give an overview of the entire process. |
https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Mzg3NjNlNDAtMjU5MC00NWNmLWJkYWItNWNkNWRiMzVjYWFj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ba9085d7-2255-4a2c-b1cb-dcb1dab5a842%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224d76cad2-108f-4188-a31e-4b1e7e53f6a4%22%7d |
Luiss | 28/02/2023 | 16:30 | Technology Transfer part 2 | https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Mzg3NjNlNDAtMjU5MC00NWNmLWJkYWItNWNkNWRiMzVjYWFj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ba9085d7-2255-4a2c-b1cb-dcb1dab5a842%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224d76cad2-108f-4188-a31e-4b1e7e53f6a4%22%7d | |
Luiss | 14/03/2023 | 16:30 | Stakeholder Engagement part 1 | How does a brand or a company engage with both its loyal and potential customers?
We are going to explore the meaning of engagement: from general notions about the word to various aspects of its meaning in relation to B2C realities. Students will be encouraged to actively participate in the discussion through open questions and group assignments in order to develop critical thinking skills and engagement strategies applied to the business environment as it relates to clients. There will be a focus on social media engagement, presenting case studies to better understand the notions that guide companies in the realization of their business models. |
https://luiss.webex.com/luiss-en/j.php?MTID=mc35eb13f57a7e9dd31bcd84a4cd92712 |
Luiss | 21/03/2023 | 16:30 | Stakeholder Engagement part 2 | ||
Luiss | 28/03/2023 | 16:30 | Regenerative Governance part 1 | The aim of the first lesson is to provide students with tools to understand the difference between international governance systems, in particular an analysis of the governance of Common Law countries, Civil Law countries and Asian countries will be proposed. The lesson has also the intention to deepen the instrument of the multiple voting shares in companies ‘group. In particular, to achieve a concrete approach, the lecture is going to consider the mechanism of multiple voting shares in family firms.
The second lesson has the intention to improve the study of the EFRAG’s European sustainability reporting standards (Esrs) with a focus on the correlation between the financial statement and the integrated reporting. The principles of the innovative regenerative governance approach will be also exposed. |
https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Mzg3NjNlNDAtMjU5MC00NWNmLWJkYWItNWNkNWRiMzVjYWFj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ba9085d7-2255-4a2c-b1cb-dcb1dab5a842%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224d76cad2-108f-4188-a31e-4b1e7e53f6a4%22%7d |
Luiss | 04/04/2023 | 16:30 | Regenerative Governance part 2 | https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Mzg3NjNlNDAtMjU5MC00NWNmLWJkYWItNWNkNWRiMzVjYWFj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ba9085d7-2255-4a2c-b1cb-dcb1dab5a842%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224d76cad2-108f-4188-a31e-4b1e7e53f6a4%22%7d | |
WU Vienna | 21/03/2023 | 17:30 | Entrepreneurship Avenue Kick-Off | At the Kick-off, participants have the chance to listen to different keynote speakers talk about different entrepreneurial concepts, their experience in the start-up world, and more about Entrepreneurship Avenue. During the breaks, participants have the opportunity to network with each other, as well as with the speakers and our partners, who will set up booths in the foyer. The aim of the event is to inspire students about different forms of entrepreneurship by showcasing startup project from various university backgrounds, and encourage them to try out their ideas with our entrepreneurial guidance. | https://www.entrepreneurshipavenue.com/ |
WU Vienna | 28/03/2023 | 17:30 | Entrepreneurship Avenue Lab 1 | The Kick-off is followed by the Lab series. The labs are essentially four online workshops, they connected and structured in a way that they complete each other. At Lab 1 we will have one inspirational keynote, followed by a problem-based approach to generate ideas, present ideas and form teams. This Lab will be held online. | https://www.entrepreneurshipavenue.com/ |
WU Vienna | 18/04/2023 | 17:30 | Entrepreneurship Avenue Lab 2 | At the Lab 2, we will bring our experts and mentors from various fields and connect them with the participating project teams. They will receive feedback and learn from each other, in order to further develop their ideas. This lab will be held online. | https://www.entrepreneurshipavenue.com/ |
WU Vienna | 02/05/2023 | 17:30 | Entrepreneurship Avenue Lab 3 | Lab 3 is all about pitching, students will learn about a perfect pitch, how to present their idea to the audience. In addition they will be matched with our experienced pitch trainers to get individualized feedback and support about their presentations. This lab will be held online. | https://www.entrepreneurshipavenue.com/ |
WU Vienna | 16/05/2023 | 17:30 | Entrepreneurship Avenue Lab 4 | Lab 4 ist the Demo Day. All particiapting projects have the chance to pitch in front of our jury, receive final feedback and get visibility. Top 10 teams will be selected to become part of the Pitch Award at the Conference. This lab will be held online. | https://www.entrepreneurshipavenue.com/ |
WU Vienna | 25/05/2023 | 13:00 | Entrepreneurship Avenue Conference | At the Conference we bring together the TOP10 teams that were selected by the Jury at the Demo Day in order to pitch at the Pitch Award, and enthusiasts and representatives from the startup ecosystem. Anyone who is interested in joining, networking, learning from founders, we have keynotes, panel discussions, startup and partner fairs and many networking opportunities to dive into the startup ecosystem locally. This event is hosted on WU Campus in Vienna, but visitors can also join virtually. | https://www.entrepreneurshipavenue.com/ |
WU Vienna | Beginning of March till end of June | evening program (starting at 4pm and later (Vienna time)) | Startup League | The Startup League was created to support entrepreneurs in different founding stages with a customized program to achiever their specific startup goals. The programs has a few fixed porgram points, mentoring sessions and other optional workshops and expertise sessions. The fixed program points are: OKR Workshop, Kick-Off, Peer-to-Peer Feedback, Finance/Pitch Deck, Grants, OKR Check-In and the Closing Event. | https://www.wu.ac.at/en/starting-up/our-services/programs/startup-league/structure/ |
Esade | 07/03 | 18:00 | Kick-off & first pitch | Explanation of the whole program journey + key concept to start: focus on problems and customers. First pitch round of the startups |
https://esade-10.hubspotpagebuilder.com/eworks-incubation-program |
Esade | 14/03 | 18:00 | Build your customer persona with hubspot | Understand your customer: what they do, what are their pains, where they spend their time and which channel they use. How to reach out to them. | https://esade-10.hubspotpagebuilder.com/eworks-incubation-program |
Esade | 16/03 | 18:00 | Know your market and competitor | Understand the market/industry you wnt to enter: who are the other companies out there, in the same space? What are they doing? What’s your competitive advantage to win over them? | https://esade-10.hubspotpagebuilder.com/eworks-incubation-program |
Esade | 21/03 | 18:00 | Build an interview: dos & don’ts | First interaction with customers are crucial: how to build a good interview and what’d needed to do | https://esade-10.hubspotpagebuilder.com/eworks-incubation-program |
Esade | 23/03 | 18:00 | Public financing for your venture | How to finance your startup at the beginning, leveraging public governative funds | https://esade-10.hubspotpagebuilder.com/eworks-incubation-program |
Esade | 29/03 | 18:00 | Validation techniques: How to validate an idea | Deep dive in all the ways to validate an idea and get the first feedback from customers | https://esade-10.hubspotpagebuilder.com/eworks-incubation-program |
Esade | 11/04 | 18:00 | BMC – understand the whole model | Zoom out: an overview to the whole model of the startup to understand how the whole model can work, incuding a focus on renevues and costs | https://esade-10.hubspotpagebuilder.com/eworks-incubation-program |
Esade | 13/04 | 18:00 | Startup Ley – spain | What’s the latest regulation for startups and what are the benefits to create one in Spain? | https://esade-10.hubspotpagebuilder.com/eworks-incubation-program |
Esade | 18/04 | 18:00 | build your MVP with no code tools | Don’t need to cod to build your first product: how to leverage no code tools to build your Minumum Viable Product | https://esade-10.hubspotpagebuilder.com/eworks-incubation-program |
Esade | 20/04 | 18:00 | All you need to know to set up your company | Legal perspective on the process of company building and set up | https://esade-10.hubspotpagebuilder.com/eworks-incubation-program |
Esade | 26/04 | 18:00 | How to build your pitchdeck + tips on public speaking | A good Pitchdeck is crucial for a startup when it comes to speak with investors, but not only. We’ll see what has to be there and how to present it at best. Also, some hints on the difference between investordeck and sales pitch | https://esade-10.hubspotpagebuilder.com/eworks-incubation-program |
Esade | 03/05 | 18:00 | Pitch round | First round of pitches with feedbacks | https://esade-10.hubspotpagebuilder.com/eworks-incubation-program |
Esade | 10/5 | 18:00 | Pitch round #2 | Second round of pitches with feedbacks | https://esade-10.hubspotpagebuilder.com/eworks-incubation-program |
Esade | 16/05 | TBD | Final pitching event | Final event to present the selected startups | https://esade-10.hubspotpagebuilder.com/eworks-incubation-program |
Hanken School of Economics | 30.11-1.12. | All day | SLUSH | World’s Leading Startup Event | https://www.slush.org/ |
Hanken School of Economics | 29.11. | 16:00 | New Nordic Expo & Unicorn Night | New Nordic Company Expo and Finals with key notes | |
Hanken School of Economics | 30.11. | 20:00 | Slush Sitz | Nordic Style Sitz Party for students | |
Hanken School of Economics | 2.12. | 12:00 | Hangöver Party | Free networking for all |